28th SA Odyssey, Mannum 2022
Hosted by Ulysses Club, Lower Murray Branch.

Venue: Mannum SA.
Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd October 2022

Registration Form (one per person)

Surname:      Given Name:      Member#      Phone: 
Town/Suburb:      Postcode:      email: 
OdysseyRegistration (includes enamel badge) $40          
Friday night dinner at rowing club
Saturday breakfast at rowing club
Saturday night dinner at Pretoria Hotel

Sunday breakfast at rowing club

Payment method     
Direct Debit to: Ulysses Club, Adelaide Branch BSB 085183 Account 730172920. Please add your name as a reference.
If posting, make payable to Ulysses Club, Adelaide Branch.    Send to: Ulysses Club, Adelaide Branch, 2 Hughes Ct, Craigburn Farm SA 5051.
Additional Notes



Once you click on Place Order you will be sent a confirmation email detailing your selection.
You will get another one when payment is confirmed.
If you have any questions about this form or process, email ulyssesadelaide+webmaster@gmail.com.